Free Monthly Oracle Card Readings
January 2016 - Oracle Card Reading January 1, 2016 12:00
As you begin the New Year, be prepared for epiphanies and unexpected life changes. You may need to step outside the norm right now and embrace your unique and eclectic beliefs or attitudes. There is a need for patience as unusual solutions come about for your problems. Review your plans and look at things from a new perspective. Ask yourself if it's possible that a different approach might work better?
Although it may feel like events have come to a standstill, this is temporary. Make use of the extra time you have been given to rethink your strategies. Be careful not to obsess or over think. There is such a fine line. Write things down on paper to help keep yourself from repeating the thoughts over and over again in your mind.
It's a very good moment to be generous with your time, attention and gifts. You'll notice the more you give, the more the universe will give back to you. Don't be afraid of receiving and remain open to gifts, help or opportunities.
Most importantly, this card brings the message to BE YOURSELF. If others around you don't like the REAL you, it's probably the universe's way of showing you who should be in your life and who shouldn't.
Don't be offended or get upset if you begin to see people around you who don't care for you unconditionally. Be thankful that you have the clarity and vision to see through their behaviours and that you have the courage and strength to step aside and let them move on in another direction. By doing this, you are opening up the energy and space around you and raising the positive vibrations in your own space which will ultimately attract new like-minded people into your life. Get excited. It won't be easy but it will be fabulous!
As you move past the beginning of the month, patience is essential as you pause to plan for your next steps. You will soon be able to see the big picture and why you have been putting in so much effort and energy. You will soon reap the rewards of your hard work. Have patience!
You may feel you have far to go, but don't forget how far you have already come. Review and acknowledge your progress from a broader perspective. Write your progress down. You will be surprised how much paper you can fill and in awe of what you have accomplished.
You have been worrying too much, and really without reason. Consider a new approach, and incorporate daily gratitude if you would like to see your situation improve. Remind yourself that worrying will not change anything. It will only drain your energy and leave you feeling discouraged, anxious and depleted. So...stop worrying! Things may seem like they are at a standstill, but this is only temporary. This is a good time to rest or vacation to recharge your batteries. Things are gearing up to get very busy again so take advantage of this time for some much needed R&R.
There is an upcoming milestone for you. Celebrate it, even if in a very small way. All of your goals, dreams, accomplishments and milestones should be acknowledged and celebrated!
As you pass mid month you will begin to see that the steps you are taking to improve your life, career or business are right on track. As you move forward, courageous choices are necessary and will be rewarded. Continue pushing forward and don't get discouraged by temporary delays. Do what is right for you – don't allow anyone else to hinder your progress.
Consider working in partnership with those who have skills who compliment your own. Joint projects can help you achieve your goals. Negotiations move forward without issue at this time. Continue to have hope for the future as your positive and forward thinking will bring you what you desire. It is a good time to move forward with contracts or business agreements.
As you near month’s end you pay find yourself romanticizing the past. Memories from your personal history or even childhood have resurfaced. Perhaps there's an old issue you still need to resolve. Or, your memories could be a sign of what's yet to come. Regardless, pay close attention to where your mind wanders. Signs may come to you in the form of memories.
You may reconnect with friends or romantic partners from your past. New acquaintances may feel like familiar old friends because of karmic connections. This card also represents a childlike innocence or lack of guilt. It is a time to give and receive kindness. Sharing, gifts or even an inheritance of sorts may find it's way into your life.
Memories are wonderful to have but don't allow them to distract you from your present. Everything happens as it should and you are guided to live in the now. Instead of focusing your thoughts on what has past, focus on gratitude. Gratitude will keep you in the present moment and help give you wonder to your life.
May the month ahead be full of light, love and laughter,
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November 2015 - Oracle Card Reading November 1, 2015 12:00
As we begin the month you may be feeling as though things have not have turned out the way you expected, but be careful not to focus too much on the negative, as there is positive in every situation even when it is hard to see. Fighting or trying to ignore change doesn't serve you. Instead, have faith that everything happens for a reason.
We all have times in life where we wish we could change the past. It can become an obsession. Relationships and situations will end and no matter how successful or wonderful life may be, we all go through periods of sadness. It's healthy to grieve what has been lost and take time to heal. It may be necessary to reach out to friends, family and counselors for support and comfort right now.
Learning to deal with these feelings without letting them consume you is a very important life skill. Sometimes we need time alone to process and sometimes we need to surround ourselves with loved ones to help us through. Do not feel guilty for needing time and space alone or for needing to ask for help. Every situation in life is an experience that you can grow from and learn from. Every situation gives you a new outlook and a new tool to work with. Challenging situations allow us to build character and strength and teach us how to love ourselves.
Without the hard times, we would never truly appreciate the good times. To help you move forward, try to be grateful. Think of the blessings that have come into your life. Some people find it helpful to start a journal or a jar where they can record all the things they are grateful for. Others keep it simple and every day when they brush their teeth they use that time to think of all of their blessings. The method isn't what's important, it's the action of staying focused on the good and allowing positive energy to surround you that is important.
As you move past the beginning of the month you may have some very significant revelations in regards to your need to make some life changes. These may be new revelations or something you've known but have been procrastinating about. Now you've realized that this situation can't be ignored, it's necessary to take action.
This is a moment of both freedom and awakening. The way you see yourself in the world has forever changed, bringing you growth and encouraging you to spread your wings. Allow these new insights to motivate you to embrace the path of your heart's true desires and your intuition. Suddenly you are seeing the truth and it is liberating! Move forward in the direction of your hopes and dreams. There is no time to waste.
As we pass mid-month, you will likely receive new information that will present challenges or delays. The message may come from someone who speaks bluntly and without thoughtfulness but do not take it personally. What's important is the message, not the messenger.
Do not let gossip, or legal matters keep you from pursuing your dreams. You will face challenges but you have what it takes to move through the hard time and to come out on the other side. Listen to any constructive criticism that comes to you at this time – the messages will be very valuable to your future.
As we approach the Holiday season you MUST make time to rest, even though your “to do” list is probably greater than it has been in a long time. Take a mini vacation or just create time to regroup and rejuvenate. Retreat from the world and let go of stress and concerns. If you've been ill, focus on healing and don't rush back in action. YOU are a priority. You must take care of yourself in order to keep doing all the things you do for others. Burn out is a real thing and you are not immune. Please, please give yourself some much needed TLC.
You really could use some time alone. Your situation requires significant reflection on your part. Meditation may provide the answers you seek if you've exhausted all intellectual possibilities for a solution. Don't let the excuse of being too busy prevent you from making time for yourself. Start with an extra five minutes in the shower or an extra minute or two before getting out of the car. All those little minutes will add up and help you in ways that you can't really understand at this time. Just know that it's important and it's not something that you should do, but rather something that you need to do.
The end of the month brings a close to a very stressful period, but you still feel mentally exhausted. Allow more time before making any major choices. You need to get more sleep. Even if you were getting a good quantity of hours, you may not be getting a quality sleep. Re-evaluate your sleeping habits and see what you can do to improve things. You might need to change your bedding or room lighting. You may need to adapt to new pre-bedtime rituals including powering down from all electronics at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. It would also be a very good idea to find a calming bedtime meditation on YouTube and allow it to play as you are drifting off to sleep. This will ensure you have a peaceful mind that will lead you to calm peaceful dreams and quality sleep.
May the month ahead be full of light, love and laughter,
Messages for November came from the following oracle cards: Five of Water, Life Experience, Page of Air and Four of Air.
To order your own personalized e-mail reading visit:
October 2015 - Oracle Card Reading October 1, 2015 12:00
October brings with it, an unsettled feeling for many. Things might not have worked out the way you had hoped, but you can try again. Your power lies not in how the chips fall, but in how you handle yourself moving forward. You may feel that following your dreams is just too risky and your self-confidence is causing you to hesitate. Learn what you can from your situation and carefully evaluate the way events have transpired, in order to gain valuable lessons for your future.
Someone in your life may allow their own ego to discourage you from following your true path. Their own desire to win or get ahead is so strong that this individual will ignore the needs of others. Review everyone's motives including your own, and do what you can to foster a win-win resolution. You or someone in your life may have a strong desire for revenge. Thinking only of yourself will lead to bad choices. Make sure your decisions going forward are ethical and good for everyone involved. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated or in relationships with other people who may have these ulterior motives.
As you get settled into the month and have spent time reviewing your situation, know that this is not the time to rest. You need to keep going onto the next project, so step back and make a plan for the future. Keep your fire burning and enthusiasm high - keep the momentum going! Approach things with the long term in mind. There is cause for celebration however you can’t afford to be distracted from your plans to move forward.
You will need patience while you wait for the results from previous decisions. Use this time to explore the possibilities for how to promote your skills or talents. As tempting as it may be to stop and relax, you really must keep pushing forward because you are on a role! Now is a time of structured and controlled progress. There is great hope and potential for the future. Your foresight is excellent so move forward with confidence. You have what it takes to turn a negative into a positive and you have the drive to see projects through until completion.
As you make it through mid- October you will find you have a complex decision to make and you are finding it difficult to choose between the options available to you. Sometimes when we have choices we replay our options over and over and over again in our mind and still, nothing is clear. It is always important to do your homework so you know what your choices and options are. Once you have the facts there are 2 simple methods you can use for finding clarity. The first is a simple PROS and CONS or a benefits and features list. It's tried and true and can be used in so many situations. Pull out a pen and paper and get writing.
The second is meditation. There is no proper or perfect way to meditate. The only way is YOUR way and what works for you. So sit or lay down anywhere you are comfortable. Calm your mind and body by taking long deep inhales and exhales (count to 5...) in and out of your nose. Once you are relaxed just let go. Let your mind wander. Let it think about anything it wants with no expectations or judgement. You can take a mental note of your thoughts but don't try to control them in any way. When you are done you will often find a profound sense of clarity and will find decision making much easier.
Now that you have made your list and done some meditation it is time for action. No more procrastination. No more wild thoughts about what could go wrong. No more confusion. You have tools now to help you find clarity. Research, counsel, written pros and cons and meditation. You have your plan. Try to focus and do not limit yourself with unrealistic expectations. Addictions can play a role right now so be careful of your actions. If you need help, now is a good time to ask. Now is the time to just DO IT!
Towards the end of the month you will need to make time to adopt a new passion or interest. Has there been something in particular on your mind lately? Something you would like to do, study or participate in? Now is the time to explore any signs you may have been receiving about new passions and interests. There is good news coming to you about financial matters. You can take a moment to breathe and know that better days are just around the corner. Your plans will move forward successfully at a steady pace so keep pushing forward and don’t give up even when you are presented with challenges that might be very difficult.
It could be time to return to school or to study more about something that interests or appeals to you. Do your research and enjoy this time in your life. You have the wonderful ability to remain optimistic, but still be realistic about what can be accomplished. You are not just a dreamer but a doer! You are dependent, and trustworthy and these qualities allow you to be a success, having wisdom well beyond your years.
May the month ahead be full of light, love and laughter,
Messages for October came from the following oracle cards: Five of Air, Three of Fire, Seven of Water and Page of Earth.
To order your own personalized e-mail reading visit:
September 2015 - Oracle Card Reading September 1, 2015 12:00 1 Comment
September has always been one of my favorite months. It's often a time when we set new goals for ourselves and start projects that will lead us into the Winter holidays. There is a little spark of excitement in the air as the kids go back to school and the long, warm days of Summer fade into shorter days and cooler nights..
As we start the month of September 2015, we embrace thoughts of Autumn and a season of change. It's a busy time for many and it is easy to burn yourself out. Just because Summer is coming to a close, it doesn't mean that you can't incorporate some of those lazy days of Summer into the Fall. In fact, it's a must! You must make time to give yourself a little TLC. If you get run down, you won't be as productive as you need to be and your energy vibrations will lower, attracting more of the same – negative energy. Self nurture isn't a luxury, it's a necessity and the sooner you embrace that the happier not only you, but everyone around you will be.
As we approach Mercury retrograde this month, it is important that you release old fears, heartache, anger, guilt and all other negative emotions. They won't serve you now and will hinder your ability to move forward. Now is the time to make revisions. Re-decorate, re-organize,, re-do...take a close look at the projects you have been working on and goals you are trying to accomplish and see where you can make some changes. With a few slight alterations you will start to see things come together in the way that you had hoped.
Mercury will go into retrograde on Sept 17th and will stay there until Oct 9th. Mercury rules communication, clear thinking, truth and travel. When the planet goes retrograde (which in a nutshell means it looks like it's going backwards in the sky), all of those things go backwards as well. It is very important that you communicate clearly during this time and if you are unclear about anything you need to ask for confirmation. It will be very easy to take things out of context so keep that in mind when dealing with other people. You may find travel delays or challenges, misunderstandings and general confusion during this time. Electronics might go a little haywire and you might feel as though you are having a bit of bad luck. Mercury in retrograde however, is nothing to fear. Take everything in stride and know that in a few weeks everything will be back to normal.
It is unwise to start any new projects during retrograde. You will find that things don't go as smoothly as planned and in the end you will have to go back and do extra work. Use this time for planning and just keep things moving along at a steady pace. It will be over before you know it and then you can proceed as usual.
May the month ahead be full of light, love and laughter,
Article by Judi Hartlin - Owner of Road to Happy